The Russell Vibrasonic Spiroscreen for fine powder sieving on larger screens.
Self-cleaning filter for tea slurries guarantees the quality of hot tea infusion through continuous removal of oversize tea solids.
Finex Separator meets manufacturer demands and improves product quality when integrated in food production process.
Russell Vibrasonic Deblinding system prevents mesh blinding when screening difficult fine powders such as pistachio and rapeseed.
Russell Compact Sieve screens marshmallow pieces to reclaim sugar for reuse.
The Finex Separator facilitates the reuse of recovered chocolate brownie pieces by grading it into 2 different fractions.
The Russell Compact Sieve with Vibrasonics is capable of screening high fat content powders like buttermilk.
The Finex Separator separates broken coffee beans from whole coffee beans.
Dewatering coffee grinds uses a two stage process that involves the 48″ Finex Separator in conjunction with the Russell Liquid Solid Separator.